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Speak to one of our dedicated administrators

01905 796 682

MON - FRI: 9:30AM - 3:30PM
(excluding public holidays)

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BEcoming A MEMBER Makes SO MUCH sense

We don't live life expecting to be injured, or for things to go wrong with our health, but they can and do. And it can be surprising just how fast life can start to unravel as the result of an accident or health issue. Bluline is there when you need it most. It gives you access to a fast, expert diagnosis, and the best possible medical care, to help you get better and back to work as quickly as possible.


Bluline provides up to £30,000 medical cover per year and up to £17,500 per claim. Cover includes physical injuries sustained in training.

Claiming is quick and EASY

Our streamlined claims process is quick and easy, and our friendly administrators will help ensure you get everything sorted with minimum fuss. 

fantastic VALUE for money 

Premiums start from as little as £16.25 per month with Student Officer discounts also available; view scheme costs.


Prompt diagnosis and treatment means you get back to work faster, helping you stay on track to reach your career goals. 


You can extend cover to include your partner and immediate family members for additional peace of mind. 

Our healthcare partners

nhs nuffield ramsay new medica Spire Healthcare
Call centre woman

Become a member

We have worked hard to make it easy for you to join Bluline. There is no medical examination, no awkward questions, and minimal form filling. Use our online price calculator to see exactly how much it will cost.

Join now

Any questions?

If you do have any questions call

01905 796682

MON - FRI: 9:30AM - 3:30PM
(excluding public holidays)

to speak to one of our friendly administrators
or submit your enquiry and we’ll get back to you.

I had an MRI in March and then had some physiotherapy to try and rectify to the problem. I was still experiencing issues so I then had surgery in the June. If I had gone via the NHS then I may have still been waiting in June for a consultation.

Scheme Member

For the peace of mind of knowing we have a medical health support Scheme available, which also covers our optical and dental treatment, it is invaluable. I was in a situation where I was likely to be in a wheelchair within 12 months, but through the private surgeon support I am now mobile with a positive future ahead.

Scheme Member

On every occasion the team were extremely helpful and professional. They made the authorising and organising of consultations, scans, operations, and physiotherapy sessions stress free.

Scheme Member