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The healthcare scheme
For serving police officers, police staff and their families

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Fantastic value for money
Premiums from as little as £18 per month

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Claims are handled quickly and efficiently by the Bluline’s dedicated administrators who always go the extra mile
to ensure things are handled in a personal and caring way. And, as a not for profit organisation, all money that
comes into the scheme is used for the benefit of its members.

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I had an MRI in March and then had some physiotherapy to try and rectify to the problem. I was still experiencing issues so I then had surgery in the June. If I had gone via the NHS then I may have still been waiting in June for a consultation.

Scheme Member

An excellent service, sensible levels of cover, wonderfully managed. I am so pleased we signed up this system up all those years ago.

Scheme Member

I am extremely impressed with how efficient, professional and caring everyone at Bluline has been during my most recent claim. From the first contact right through to my follow up appointments after my surgery, Bluline couldn't have done any more to support me. 

Scheme Member
Call centre woman

Become a member - join now

For more information or to become a member call and speak to one of Bluline’s dedicated administrators or submit your enquiry and we’ll get back to you.

  • Simple to join
  • No medical examination required
  • Minimal form filling

01905 796682

Our healthcare partners

nhs nuffield ramsay new medica Spire Healthcare